National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) College of Hydrosphere
Recruitment for Foreign Competitive Tenure Assistant Professor (or above)
Position: 1 Vacancy for Foreign Tenure Assistant (or above) Professor (Competitive Focused)
Appointment Date: Starting from August 1, 2025, subject to the actual appointment process.
Deadline: All application materials must be delivered and sent no later than February 3, 2025.
四、應徵條件 (Qualifications):
Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in one or more fields or related interdisciplinary areas: Fisheries Technology and Management, Food Science, Aquaculture Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, and interdisciplinary of above.
Fit of one of the following outstand performances with verified document
Have been an Academician of the Academia Sinica
Have won the Outstanding Research Award, Special Research Award, Ta-You Wu Memorial Award from National Science and Technology Council; Academic Award, National Chair Professorship from Ministry of Education ; Outstanding Scholar Awards from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship; Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award
Have been Yushan Scholar or Yushan Young Scholar from
Have got two fold (or above) of the lowest published papers required credits for three years according to the Regulations Governing Accreditation of Teacher Qualifications of Newly Appointed Full-Time Faculty of College of Hydrosphere, NKUST. And also have executed two (or above) from National Science and Technology Council or won the domestic and foreign outstanding academic achievement awards verified by university.
In line with the goal of internationalization, preference will be given to candidates with foreign nationality, proficiency in English for teaching, and the ability to teach in Mandarin Chinese.
Candidates with a Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) proficiency level of B2 or higher.
五、檢具資料 (Application Materials Required):
Recruitment Tenure Faculty Application Form of College of Hydrosphere (Appendix 1).
Fill the points accounting sheet of three year’s published papers for newly recruited faculty according to the guidelines for governing accreditation of teacher qualifications of newly recruitment faculty of College of Hydrosphere, NKUST (Appendix 2).
Photocopy of master and Ph.D. diplomas.
Academic transcripts photocopies of Ph.D. degree.
Photocopies of certificate of Assistant Professor (or above)
(六)一年以上與所任教領域相關且有助於學之業界實務工作經驗(年資計算至114年1月31日止)。但104年1月16日前已在職之技職校院專任合格教師且任教年資未中斷者,不在此限 (業界實務工作經驗,以專任職務為原則,並得以連續或累計方式採計,惟兼任職務年資折半採計) 。
Above one year practical experiences related to the teaching area (Accepted until to January 31, 2025). However, having been full-time qualified teachers with continually contract before January 16 2015 is not limited to this (Practical work experience in the industry is based on the principle of full-time positions and can be calculated continuously or cumulatively. However, the number of years in part-time positions is calculated at half the rate).
(七)五年內通訊或第一作者之著作全文至少5篇(1篇代表著作及4篇參考著作),其著作目錄請詳列姓名、著作名稱、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、發表年份(SCI/SSCI/ ABDC, Impact Factor; Journal Ranking, 領域別)及期刊評估指標(IF和Rank),並以*註記該篇所有之通訊作者,檢附每篇論文首頁與以WOS資料庫為主之證明文件。
List of 5 published papers with first author or corresponding author within 5 years. (1 representative paper and 4 reference papers)
(Please list the journals published and IF value and Rank by JCR and the corresponding author in detail and specify if the academic journals are indexed in SCI.)
Publication List from the Past Five Years
Two recommendation letters. (Adviser recommendation letter is better)
Research expertise, future research directions, and planning.
For Applicants who are non-nationality persons: proof of nationality (Please provide photocopies of the passport or resident certificates).
Other helpful documents for review (University-Industry cooperation, Patents, Projects, Awards...etc)
In order to facilitate administrative application above documents should be arranged into individual section and put together with binder clips, please do not bind them into a book. All copies should be marked "Consistent with the original" and with your signature.
六、應徵者博士學位如為國外學歷,應注意以下事項 (Applicants with a foreign degree should be aware of following issues):
It should be approved in accordance with the relevant regulations set by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C.
Foreign graduation schools should be listed (referring to the names and addresses of schools announced by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C.). Those which are not listed inside should be approved by the institute of local government or professional evaluation groups in education fields.
Above, foreign diplomas and names of degrees will be verified instead of investigations. If they are not listed, investigations are needed to get the approval from teacher evaluation committee.
Years of study and courses should be equivalent to the regulations set by schools in the same fields and levels (Applicants with a Ph.D. degree should have at least 16 months of study).
七、郵寄資訊 (Mailing information):
意者請於中華民國114年2月3日前(送達)將檢具資料依序備齊寄至『811213高雄市楠梓區海專路142號 國立高雄科技大學水圈學院』並在信封明確標示:「應徵水圈學院競爭型員額專任教師」,未註明者恕不受理;所有資料請以影本交寄,未獲錄取者亦不退件。
Please send the application materials to「College of Hydrosphere, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. No. 142, Haijhuan Rd., Nanzih Dist., Kaohsiung City, 811213, Taiwan, R.O.C.」 (Write your name on the cover and mark【Apply Non-Tenure Assistant (or above) Professor (Research Focused), College of Hydrosphere】on the right corner of the envelope). Personal information shall not be disclosed or provided to any third party without prior consent. Application materials will not be returned whether you are accepted or not.
Deadline: All application materials must be delivered and sent no later than February 3, 2025.
八、聯繫資訊 (Contact information):
聯絡人:鐘雅雯小姐 電話:07-361-7141轉23552 E-mail: chs@nkust.edu.tw
Contact: Ms. Chung, TEL: +886-7-3617141 ext. 23552, email: chs@nkust.edu.tw