公告單位: | 國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所 |
徵才單位: | 社會與文化研究所 |
職缺公告日期: | 2024/11/20 |
報名截止日期: | 2025/01/31 |
開缺職缺: |
專任助理教授以上 共 1 名 |
學校地址: | 新竹市大學路1001號 |
工作地點: | 新竹市東區新竹市大學路1001號 電子地圖 |
學術專長: | 社會科學、新聞學及圖書資訊領域(社會及行為科學/新聞學及圖書資訊學門) |
公告內容: |
本所擬徵聘專任助理教授(含)以上職級教師一名,起聘日為2025年8月1日或2026年2月1日。應徵者須具備下列條件: The Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies (SRCS) invites applicants for a full-time position (Assistant Professor or higher). The successful candidate will begin the appointment on August 1, 2025, or February 1, 2026. Applicants are required to:
1. Hold a doctoral degree in humanities, social science, or cultural studies awarded by any university recognized by the Ministry of Education (Taiwan, ROC), preferably with at least two years of experience in teaching or research.
二、可發展以下領域之相關研究計劃與課程: (1)社會與文化理論 (2)台灣與亞際研究 (3)藝術、媒體與社會(4)數位文化研究 。 2. Be capable of developing research projects and offering courses related to the following areas: (1) Social and Cultural Theories; (2) Taiwan and Inter-Asia Studies; (3) Art, Media, and Society; (4) Digital Cultural Studies.
三、須支援英文授課(新進教師每一學年至少必須開授一門英語課程)。 3. Teach courses in English (at least one English-medium course is required per academic year for new faculty members).
有意申請者請於2025年1月31日前,E-mail以下資料電子檔: To apply for this position, please submit the following materials in electronic copy via email by January 31, 2025:
Education (optional).
應徵資料電子檔請e-mail行政助理洪慧芳女士:hungfa@nycu.edu.tw ;email主旨請註明「應徵國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所專任教師:申請人姓名)」
An electronic copy of all the application materials should be emailed to our secretary Ms. HUNG Hui-fang (hungfa@nycu.edu.tw) with “Application for Assistant Professor Position (or Higher) in the SRCS: FULL NAME” in the email subject.
Tel: (+886) 3-513-1593 Fax: (+886) 3-573-4450
The institute will request shortlisted candidates to mail 5 hard copies of the required materials to the SRCS office and notify them of information about interviews, public job talks, lectures, or other job review forms.
相關附件 |
學校網址: | https://www.nycu.edu.tw/ |
聯絡人: | 洪慧芳 |
連絡電話: | 03-5131593 |
E-MAIL: | hungfa@nycu.edu.tw |
相關連結: | https://srcs.nycu.edu.tw/index.aspx |
履歷: | 請登入會員後填報意向書 |
備註: | 如對本職缺有投件意願,可參考本意向書 |