公告單位: | 慈濟學校財團法人慈濟大學人事室 |
徵才單位: | 人力資源處 |
職缺公告日期: | 2025/01/01 |
報名截止日期: | 2025/07/31 |
開缺職缺: |
專任助理教授 共 1 名 |
學校地址: | 花蓮縣花蓮市中央路三段701號 |
工作地點: | 花蓮縣花蓮市花蓮縣花蓮市中央路三段701號 電子地圖 |
學術專長: | 醫藥衛生及社會福利領域(醫藥衛生/社會福利學門) |
公告內容: |
職位 Position 助理教授(含)以上專任教師 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor 名額Quota:1 學歷Education 需有教育部認可之博士學位,部定助理教授職級以上。 Ph.D. or with Assistant Professor qualifications. 資格 Qualifications 1.具有國內外大學材料工程、物理化學、機械工程、生醫工程相關領域之博士學位。 Ph.D. degree in materials engineering, physical chemistry, mechanical engineering, and biomedical engineering from domestic or foreign universities. Preferably an assistant professor or above, or at least two years of postdoctoral research experience, or similar academic research qualifications, or industrial R&D experience.
工作內容 Job Description 協助醫學院及所屬系所關於生醫材料、組織工程、材料科學、材料分析等相關課程(醫工系、口材所、臨藥所等) Teaching in college of medicine and affiliated departments includes courses related to biomedical materials, tissue engineering, materials science, and materials analysis (such as the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Institute of Oral Medicine and Materials, Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, etc.). 專長(領域)Study Field 利用材料工程科學專業來進行與健康福祉有關之科學研究與開發臨床醫學應用技術: 1.Utilizing expertise in materials engineering science to conduct scientific research and develop clinical medical applications related to health and well- being: 2.Application of biomedical science and engineering in forward-looking material design, simulation, and manufacturing technologies (microfluidic systems, nanofabrication processes, 3D printing, cellular mechanics, etc.).
Application of cutting-edge materials (e.g., smart materials, biomimetic materials, novel functional materials, materials derived from living organisms, energy materials) in the field of biomedical engineering. engineering domains such as healthcare, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, care, and assistive devices. ========================================================================= 檢附資料: 個 人簡歷(附照片)、自傳(500字以上)、教師證書影本、學位證書影本及成績單(持 國外學歷者,需經駐外單位驗證)、服務經歷影本、著作目錄、學位論文及已發表著作、 3 封推薦信函、擅長科目之教學大綱以及對未來教學研究生涯的規劃。 Application Documents: Curriculum vitae(with head shot) and autobiography (at least 500 words). A photocopy of teacher’s certificate, degree’s diploma, transcript (should be verified by Embassies (R.O.C, Taiwan) if with any foreign diploma). The application also including working experience certificate, publication list, three letters of recommendation, previous teaching portfolio/outlines, and a statement of teaching interests with course outlines. 應聘職務煩請來函地址: 97004 花蓮市中央路三段701號 慈濟大學 人力資源處收 Please send the application to the address: 煩請於信封上『註明應徵類科』, 符合者另行通知約談,不合者恕不退件。 附註: |
相關附件 |
學校網址: | http://www.tcu.edu.tw/ |
聯絡人: | 彭小姐 |
連絡電話: | 03-8565301轉11521 |
E-MAIL: | hhdikimo@gms.tcu.edu.tw |
相關連結: | https://personnel.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=6318 |
履歷: | 請登入會員後填報意向書 |
備註: | 如對本職缺有投件意願,可參考本意向書 |